
Our technology protects your messages also while in use

Layer 1, E2E

E2E encrypts all messages, cross-signed by the sender and the recipient.
Asymmetric ECC cipher of 256-bit

Layer 2, E2E + VTI

VTI encapsulates your metadata and E2E messages into an additional encrypted layer, cross-signed by the peer-devices.
Asymmetric ECC cipher of 256-bit

Layer 3, E2E + VTI + TLS

TLS wraps all E2E + VTI communications for public-facing encryption, cross-signed by the application and the server.
Asymmetric ECC cipher of 384-bit

Real Time Communication

All audio and video calls are E2E encrypted by design and all meta-data is VTI + TLS encrypted too.
Even the IP address of the receiver cannot be intercepted because all calls are relayed trough our secure network and never peer-to-peer.
Asymmetric ECC cipher of 256-bit and 384-bit

Our Confidential Computing technology protects your ephemeral E2EE messages also while in use, storing and processing data in your private memory enclave, up to 30 days.

Should your device get hacked, lost, stolen, seized, you do not have to be concerned about your confidential data because it is never stored on your device or in the Cloud, not even temporarily.

Are you a Business, Multinational or Government Agency?
Contact us for a free consultation on how to secure your classified communications.
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
VTI (Virtual Tunnel Interface)
E2EE (End-To-End Encryption)

Your messages are never stored on any device or server, not even temporarily, as they are secure into your private memory enclave.


Comprehensive military-grade security

Confidential Computing technology with End-To-End and Multi-Layer encryption. Untraceable content and a set lifespan.

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Your data is nobody else's business

Absolute confidentiality by design. No tracing, scanning, sharing, ads or activity tracking. Contacts on your device are never accessed either.

Privacy Policy


Simple and effective messaging

Advanced OTR (Off-The-Record) instant messaging over the internet. The essential way of communicating sensitive information using ephemeral messages.


Record and listen to voice messages

Record and send "on-the-fly" audio messages. Free up your fingers from texting without privacy compromise.

* Permission may be prompted when using this feature.


Take and send photos

Snap and send images, a picture is a thousand private words!

* Permission may be prompted when using this feature.


Securely share your position

Share your geo-position only to those you want to tell. Your location is never tracked.

* Permission may be prompted when using this feature.

Audio call

Talk freely with untraceable identity

Keep your conversations safe and protect your identity from prying eyes

* Permission may be prompted when using this feature.

Video call

Facetime with untraceable identity

Keep your conversations safe and protect your identity from prying eyes

* Permission may be prompted when using this feature.


Chat securely with multiple people

Send text, audio, photos, attachments and your location to everybody in your private groups.


Send and receive classified documents

Pick and share documents without leaving any trace behind. Some files may require to be stored on your device to be opened.

* Permission may be prompted when using this feature.

Out of reach

Toggle your availability

Easily switch your availability status and notifications when you are out of reach, busy or just not in the mood.

Universal access

Always stay on top of your classified communications

Chat from your smarthphone, tablet, laptop and desktop. Install the App on Android and iOS devices or use it directly from the Web with an up-to-date browser.
